Book Reviews & Recommendations

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  • The Comfort Book by Matt Haig
  • Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig
  • Just Listen by Matt Goulston
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear

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Secrets About Life Every Woman Should Know, 10 Principles for Total Emotional and Spiritual Fulfillment

As I talk to family, friends, and colleagues, one consistent message is spoken ~ life is busy! There is a lot happening in people’s lives.

This book offers a guiding light through life's hectic pace, presenting 10 principles for total emotional and spiritual fulfillment. De Angelis's insights are deeply rooted in the female experience, offering wisdom and empowerment to navigate life's complexities. Her principles resonate with authenticity, encouraging readers to embrace self-love, courage, and authenticity. This book serves as a compassionate companion, reminding women of their inner strength and wisdom, making it a valuable read for those seeking balance and fulfillment in their lives.

Get a Life That Doesn’t Suck ~ 10 Surefire Ways to Live Life and Love the Ride

Times are tougher now than many of us have ever experienced in our lifetimes. It can be very easy to approach each day with a frown, but it can also be very easy to wake up each day with a smile and a positive outlook.

DeAngelis presents 10 surefire ways to live life and love the ride, offering a refreshing perspective on how to thrive in challenging times. Her practical advice is both inspiring and actionable, guiding readers to embrace change, cultivate gratitude, and live with intention. This book is a beacon of hope, reminding us that no matter the circumstances, we have the power to create a life that brings us joy and fulfillment.

The New Workforce

In The New Workforce, by Harriet Hankin, these trends provide useful insight for guiding decision makers and employers towards understanding their employees’ expectations. Drawing from a wide range of sources including personal experiences, libraries, the Internet, interviews, case studies, and business experiences, Hankin provides valuable insight for decision-makers and employers seeking to understand their employees' expectations. You'll find practical guidance on navigating challenges such as remote work, diversity, and work-life balance, making it a valuable resource for those looking to adapt to the changing landscape of work.

Hankin's comprehensive approach and insightful analysis make this a must-read for fostering a productive and engaged workforce in today's dynamic business environment.

What Happy People Know

According to the authors’ research, happiness is a “relatively rare quality”. In a recent study, 67% of the Americans surveyed described themselves as living an almost joyless lifestyle. America has become a society largely characterized by the fear of not having enough or not being enough. Deeply rooted in the physiology of our brains is the fact that if one is fearful, one cannot be happy.

Love ‘Em or Lose ‘Em, … Getting Good People to Stay

It’s a fact. Employees can generally resign from your organization at any time, especially during the first quarter of the year. We also know that not all turnover is bad yet when your best talent sends you their resignation, let’s face it. It does cause some pain.

The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Tickle Me Elmo, Italian Charm Bracelets, Starbuck’s Coffee, SUV’s—what happened that people scramble to get them? These products have reached their “Tipping Point”, as defined in this book by Malcolm Gladwell.

Generations at Work

Take a look around your organization. Do you notice anything different? The times, they are a-changing! Four generations of people most likely make up your current workforce. As business professionals, it is imperative that we understand these generations. Failure to gain an understanding can impede our ability to recruit, lead, develop, and succeed.

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